LiveJournal Community as an Example of Exchange Networks in the Power-dependence Relations

  • O. Parfenova
Keywords: exchange networks, internet-community, power dependence relations, G. Homans, R. Emerson


This essay is based on observations of communication from the LiveJournal community dedicated to thoroughbred cats. I review the results of this observation from both the perspective of Exchange Networks by George Homans and the theory of power-dependence relations by Richard Emerson. Identifying the four key categories of participants, I discuss the principles of their interaction, as well as any potential strategies for entry into this community. Finally, I show the contexts of group activity that may surround their discussions, and how these contexts contribute to maintaining a balance in the group.
How to Cite
Parfenova, O. (2012). LiveJournal Community as an Example of Exchange Networks in the Power-dependence Relations . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(2), 173–185. Retrieved from