On the Social Mechanism of Transforming Family Relations: Theorizing in the Framework of Genetic Structuralism
How to Cite
Mikheeva A. On the Social Mechanism of Transforming Family Relations: Theorizing in the Framework of Genetic Structuralism . Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(2): 57–80 (in Russian).
This article discusses the concept of a social mechanism of interaction between the transformation of private life sphere institutions and the demographic development of society. The author substantiates the inter disciplinary character of research on these processes building the homogeneous object of research, which integrates the sociological and demographic knowledge relevant to the sociology of the family. The integration of macro- and microapproaches in the sociology of the family is based on P. Bourdieu's genetic structuralism as well as on the authors development of the categories of private-demographic field and private-demographic habitus.
private sphere, demographic transition, social morphology, private-demographic field, private-demographic habitus
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Mikheeva, A. . On the Social Mechanism of Transforming Family Relations: Theorizing in the Framework of Genetic Structuralism . Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology). 15, 2 (), 57–80.
Sociology of the Family