“Stylization” of Biographical Trajectories through Drug Consumption

  • A. Dmitrieva DmitrievaA@gmail.com
How to Cite
Dmitrieva A. “Stylization” of Biographical Trajectories through Drug Consumption . Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(3): 154–171 (in Russian).


As part of modern society traditional mechanisms of social structuration are complemented by new “stylistic” factors. These factors are based on the differences in styles of consumption generating new lifestyles and new stylistic groups. In Russia, in spite of the constant tightening of legislation, drug consumption becomes a relatively routinized practice. This is related both to the differentiation of the drug market and to the differentiation of functions and meanings associated with the consumption of different drugs, the possibility of «styling» life through it. The article considers the biography of an individual as a continuum which is structured in a special way under the influence of the specific drug consumption.
social structuration, lifestyles/consumption styles, drug consumption


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Dmitrieva, A. . “Stylization” of Biographical Trajectories through Drug Consumption . Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology). 16, 3 (), 154–171.