Ценность отношений в межэтническом взаимодействии

  • М. Юсупов YusupovM@gmail.com
Для цитирования
Юсупов М. Ценность отношений в межэтническом взаимодействии . Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 19(2): 129–142.


The article considers the social mechanisms of formation and development of relations in interethnic interaction, reveals their refraction through the system of values and norms, and highlights the value-laden aspects of interethnic relations. The research methodology consisted of cultural and social conflict approaches, historical and comparative principles; the empirical research was based on quantitative and qualitative methods. The status and changes of interethnic relations have been examined since 1991, mass and expert surveys included questions on evaluation of relations and value preferences, interethnic processes were approached through a value dichotomy “cooperation-confrontation”, “consent-conflict”. The research hypothesis assumed the dependence of interethnic relations on sociopolitical conditions, historical and cultural experience of coexistence of ethnic groups, social and demographic factors and the national policy. Interethnic relations are considered in a historical and modern context allowing identifying and characterizing three periods, the developed analysis is given to interethnic relations in a pre-conflict stage, the level of social and cultural integration of a regional community is investigated. On the basis of the various sociological sources the conclusion about relative independence of values and relations of interethnic interaction is made, in many respects this fact causes preservation of interethnic cooperation during regional conflict, an orientation to uniting values. In the end the conclusion about the value and content of relations in interethnic interaction is formulated.
Форматы цитирования
Другие форматы цитирования:

Юсупов, М. . Ценность отношений в межэтническом взаимодействии . Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 19, 2 (), 129–142.
Исследования этничности