Trauma and Antinomy — The New Features of Public Consciousness and Behavior in Contemporary Russia
How to Cite
Toshchenko Z. Trauma and Antinomy — The New Features of Public Consciousness and Behavior in Contemporary Russia . Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 18(1): 23–50 (in Russian).
In an article in the context of the ongoing transformation of the modern Russian society reveals trends of increasing subjective factor and its impact on the social processes and phenomena. On the basis of representative sociological data analyzed the causes of and the essential characteristics of these new and important forms of social consciousness and behavior (social practices) as trauma and antinomy. Trauma is expressed in schism, bifurcation, contradictory and deformed social development. The author proposes a different treatment of trauma than P. Sztompka: trauma expresses an intermediate stage between evolution and revolution that is particularly evident in the analysis of social and political life of Russia. As for the antinomy, on specific empirical data the author demonstrates the coexistence of mutually exclusive positions, opposing orientations, each trying to make sufficiently compelling claims to truth, to be implemented and ultimately to define the development strategy of the country. The analysis of modern Russian traumas and antinomies allows the author to conclude that they are essentially the foundation and a harbinger of possible social unrest, because the existence of these phenomena cannot last forever.
public consciousness, behavior, trauma, antinomy, the transformation of society, paradoxes, the centaur-problem, phantom-personality, phantom-process
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Toshchenko, Z. . Trauma and Antinomy — The New Features of Public Consciousness and Behavior in Contemporary Russia . Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology). 18, 1 (), 23–50.
Sociology: Vocation and Profession