Forms of bodily capital: analysis of sociological concepts
Research Article
The reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR according to the research project no. 20-011-31138.
How to Cite
Pivovarov A.M. (2024) Forms of bodily capital: analysis of sociological concepts. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 27(2): 152–178 (in Russian). DOI: EDN: FKCZRP
The review article is devoted to the analysis of the position of corporeality in the concepts interpreting and developing the classification of forms of capital by P. Bourdieu, who considered corporeal capital only as a kind of cultural capital. The work of researchers is analyzed (K. Hakim, D. Hutson), who propose to consider corporeality (in its various manifestations) as the fourth form of capital along with the three already established forms. New concepts related to corporeality, created in line with the Bourdieusian theory of capital, and designed to describe additional grounds for the emergence of hierarchies in modern societies, are considered. The author associates himself with those researchers who believe that today physicality can be considered as an independent form of capital, since it itself affects the position of an individual within various social fields. According to the author, such concepts as physical, sexual/erotic capital, gender and aesthetic capital can take the place of independent forms of bodily capital. The two most important aspects of the functioning of bodily capital are its accumulation and conversion. The latter is carried out on two levels, firstly, the innate and acquired properties of the body are transformed into other forms of capital — economic, cultural, social. Secondly, the conversion processes take place between the forms of the bodily capital itself. Bodily capital, like any form of capital, cannot be completely devoid of the potential for alienation, however, attention to various aspects of corporeality, even from the point of view of their capitalization, becomes in the era of digitalization a form of spontaneous resistance to the dictates of algorithmic rationality.
capital, corporeality, bodily capital, physical capital, sexual/erotic capital, gender capital, aesthetic capital, Bourdieu, digitalization
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Vartanova E. (2021) Tsifrovoy kapital kak gibridnyy kapital: k voprosu o novykh kontseptsiyakh mediaissledovaniy Digital capital as hybrid capital: on the issue of new concepts in media research. Medialmanach, 4: 8–19 (in Russian).
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Warhurst C., Nickson D. (2007) Employee experience of aesthetic labour in retail and hospitality. Work, Employment and Society, 21(1): 103–120.
Warhurst C., Nickson D., Witz A. (2000) Aesthetic labour in interactive service work: Some case study evidence from the ‘new’ Glasgow. The Service Industries Journal, 20(3): 1–18.
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Becker G. (1993 [1964]) Human capital: A theoretical and empirical analysis with special reference to education. Third edition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Bogomyagkova E.S., Dupak A.A. (2021) Tsifrovoy self-treking zdorov'ya v diskurse sotsial'nykh nauk [Digital self-tracking of health in social science discourse]. Sotsiologiya nauki i tekhnologiy [Sociology of Science and Technology], 12(2): 155–174 (in Russian).
Bourdieu P. (1978) Sport and social class. Social Science Information, 17: 819–40.
Bourdieu P. (1984 [1979]) Distinction. A social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Bourdieu P. (1986) The Forms of Capital. In: Richardson J.G. (ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood Press: 241–258.
Bourdieu P. (2001) Prakticheskij smysl [Logic of practice]. Moscow: Institut eksperimental'noj sociologii; St. Petersburg: Aletejya (in Russian).
Bourdieu P. (2005) Sociologiya social'nogo prostranstva [Sociology of social space]. Moscow: Institut eksperimental'noj sociologii; St. Petersburg: Aletejya (in Russian).
Bridges T.S. (2009) Gender Capital and Male Bodybuilders. Body & Society, 15(1): 83–107.
Burawoy M. (2018) Nishcheta filosofii. Marks vstrechaetsya s Bourdieu [The poverty of philosophy. Marx meets Bourdieu]. Sociologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies], 5: 56–73 (in Russian).
Coleman J.S. (1988) Social capital in the creation of human capital. American journal of sociology, 94: 95–120.
Dale K., Peyton P. (2020) Fizicheskiy intellekt. Kak slyshat' svoye telo i upravlyat' svoimi emotsiyami [Physical intelligence. How to hear your body and manage your emotions]. Moscow: Alpina Publisher (in Russian).
Davydova A.M., Solyanova M.A., Sorensen K. (2021) Distsiplinarnyye praktiki tsifrovogo self-trekinga: mezhdu emansipatsiyey i kontrolem [Disciplinary practices of digital self-tracking: between emancipation and control]. Monitoring obshchestvennogo mneniya: ekonomicheskiye i sotsial'nyye peremeny [Public Opinion Monitoring: Economic and Social Change], 1: 217–240 (in Russian).
Dekalov V.V. (2017) Kommunikativnyy kapital: kontseptualizatsiya ponyatiya [Communication capital: conceptualization of the concept]. Vestnik SPbGU. Sotsiologiya [Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Sociology], 10(4): 397–409 (in Russian).
Derevyanchenko A.A., Kalinin D.V. (2019) Tsifrovoye obshchestvo: novyye vozmozhnosti i staryye ugrozy [Digital society: new opportunities and old threats] [Electronic resource]. Nauchnyye trudy Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta [Scientific works of Moscow University for the Humanities], 6 [] (accessed: 31.01.2024) (in Russian).
Desan M.H. (2013) Bourdieu, Marx, and Capital: A Critique of the Extension Model. Sociological Theory, 31(4): 318–342.
Dobrinskaya D.E., Martynenko T.S. (2020) Vozmozhno li tsifrovoye ravenstvo? (o knige YA. van Deyka «Tsifrovoy razryv») [Is digital equality possible? (about the book by J. van Dijk “The Digital Divide”)]. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Research], 10: 158–164. (in Russian).
Gaydenko P. (2000) Istoriya novoevropejskoj filosofii v ee svyazi s naukoj [The History of New European Philosophy in its connection with science]. Moscow: PER SE; St. Petersburg: Universitetskaya kniga (in Russian).
Gimlin D.L. (2002) Body work: beauty and self-image in American culture. University of Berkeley; Los Angeles, California: California Press.
Green A. (2008) The Social Organization of Desire: The Sexual Fields Approach. Sociological Theory, 26(1): 25–50.
Green A. (2013) 'Erotic capital' and the power of desirability: Why 'honey money' is a bad collective strategy for remedying gender inequality. Sexualities, 16: 137–158.
Hakim C. (2010) Erotic capital. European Sociological Review, 26(5): 499–518.
Hakim C. (2012) Erotic capital, sexual pleasure and sexual markets. In: Pleasure and Health by education, counselling and treatment. Proceedings of NACS 2012 conference in Helsinki. Ed. by Osmo Kontulapp. The Finnish Association for Sexology: 27- 44.
Holla S., Kuipers G. (2016) Aesthetic capital. In: Hanquinet L., Savage M. (eds.) Routledge International Handbook for the Sociology of Art and Culture. London: Routledge: 290–304.
Hutson D. (2012) Training bodies, building status: Health, physical capital, and the negotiation of difference in the U.S. Fitness Industry. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Michigan.
Hutson D. (2013) Your body is your business card: Bodily capital and health authority in the fitness industry. Social Science & Medicine, 90: 63–71.
Hutson D. (2016) Training Bodies, Building Status: Negotiating Gender and Age Differences in the U.S. Fitness Industry. Qual. Sociol., 39: 49–70.
Ignatow G., Robinson L. (2017) Pierre Bourdieu: Theorizing the digital. Information, Communication & Society, 20(7): 950–966.
Illouz E. (2012) Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Ivanov D.V. (2014) Koncepcii kapitala ot Karla Marksa do Marka Zukerberga [Concepts of capital from Karl Marx to Mark Zuckerberg]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta [Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University], 12(1): 126–134 (in Russian).
Ivanov D.V. (2020) Dopolnennaya sovremennost': effekty postglobalizatsii i postvirtualizatsii [Augmented modernity: the effects of post-globalization and post-virtualization]. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Research], 5: 44–55 (in Russian).
Ivanov D.V., Asochakov Yu.V. (2023) Tsifrovizatsiya i kriticheskaya teoriya obshchestva [Digitalization and critical theory of society]. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Research], 6: 3–15 (in Russian).
Joas H. (2005) Kreativnost' deystviya [Creativity of action]. St. Petersburg: Aletheia (in Russian).
Kuznetsov V.N. (1970) Khristianskiy ekzistentsializm G. Marcel [Christian existentialism of G. Marcel]. In: Frantsuzskaya burzhuaznaya filosofiya XX veka [French bourgeois philosophy of the 20th century]. Moscow: Mysl’: 232–245 (in Russian).
Martin J., George M. (2006) Theories of Sexual Stratification: Toward an Analytics of the Sexual Field and a Theory of Sexual Capital. Sociological Theory, 24(2): 107–32.
Mead G. (2009) Izbrannoye [Selected Works]. Moscow: RAS INION (in Russian).
Mears A. (2015) Girls as elite distinction: The appropriation of bodily capital. Poetics, 53: 22–37.
Mears A., Finlay W. (2005) Not Just a Paper Doll: How Models Manage Bodily Capital and Why They Perform Emotional Labor. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 34(3): 317–343.
Michael R. T. (2004) Sexual Capital: An Extension of Grossman's Concept of Health Capital. Journal of Health Economics, 23(4): 643–652.
Pivovarov A.M., Tkachuk D.V. (2021) Bodies’ voices: bodily capitalization in Russian and British music video. Russian Journal of Communication, 13(3): 267–288.
Radaev V.V. (2002) Ponyatie kapitala, formy kapitalov i ih konvertaciya [The concept of capital, forms of capital and their conversion]. Ekonomicheskaya sociologiya. [Journal of Economic Sociology], 3(4): 20–32 (in Russian).
Ragnedda M., Ruiu M-L. (2020) Digital Capital: A Bourdieusian Perspective on the Digital Divide. Bingley, Emerald.
Shilling С. (1991) Educating the body: Physical capital and the production of social inequalities. Sociology, 25(4): 653–667.
Shilling С. (1992) Schooling and the production of physical capital. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 13(1): 1–19.
Shilling С. (2004) Physical capital and situated action: a new direction for corporeal sociology. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(4): 473–487.
Shmatko N.A. (2003) Analiz kul'turnogo proizvodstva Pierra Bourdieu [Analysis of Pierre Bourdieu's cultural production]. Sociologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies], 8: 113–120 (in Russian).
Shmatko N.A. (2020) Gorizonty socionaliza. Socionanaliz Pierra Bourdieu [Horizons of socioanalysis. Socioanalysis of Pierre Bourdieu]. In: Shmatko N.A. (ed.) Al'manah Rossijsko-francuzskogo centra sociologii i filosofii Instituta sociologii RAN [Almanac of the Russian-French Center for Sociology and Philosophy of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. St. Petersburg: Aletejya: 13–46 (in Russian).
Turner B. (1994 [1991]) Sovremennyye napravleniya razvitiya teorii tela [Modern directions in the development of body theory]. THESIS, 6: 137–167 (in Russian).
Tyagunov A.A., Evstifeeva E.A., Makarov A.V. (2012) Transformatsiya telesnogo v tekhnologiyakh prinuzhdeniya [Transformation of the corporeal in technologies of coercion]. Vestnik TvGU. Seriya «Filosofiya» [Bulletin of TvGU. Philosophy Series], 3: 17–26 (in Russian).
Vanke A. (2012) Telesnyj kapital muzhchin rabochih professij i ofisnyh sluzhashchih [The body capital of men of working professions and office workers]. In: Yasin E.G. (ed.) XIII Aprel'skaya mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferenciya po problemam razvitiya ekonomiki i obshchestva: v 4 kn [XIII April International Scientific Conference on Problems of Economic and Social Development: in 4 books]. Moscow: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki. Vol. 3: 113–122 (in Russian).
Vartanova E. (2021) Tsifrovoy kapital kak gibridnyy kapital: k voprosu o novykh kontseptsiyakh mediaissledovaniy Digital capital as hybrid capital: on the issue of new concepts in media research. Medialmanach, 4: 8–19 (in Russian).
Vartanova E.L., Gladkova A.A. (2020) Tsifrovoy kapital v kontekste kontseptsii nematerial'nykh kapitalov [Elektronnyy resurs] [Digital capital in the context of the concept of intangible capital] [Electronic resource]. Mediascope, 1 [] (accessed: 31.01.2024) (in Russian).
Vdovina I.S. (1997) Maurice Merleau-Ponty: intersubyektivnost' i ponyatiye fenomena [Maurice Merleau-Ponty: intersubjectivity and the concept of phenomenon]. Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy], 1: 59–70 (in Russian).
Veselov Y.V. (2011) Doverie i spravedlivost' [Trust and justice]. Moscow: Aspekt-Press (in Russian).
Wacquant L. (1995) Pugs at Work: Bodily Capital and Bodily Labour among Professional Boxers. Body & Society, 1(1): 65–93.
Warhurst C., Nickson D. (2007) Employee experience of aesthetic labour in retail and hospitality. Work, Employment and Society, 21(1): 103–120.
Warhurst C., Nickson D., Witz A. (2000) Aesthetic labour in interactive service work: Some case study evidence from the ‘new’ Glasgow. The Service Industries Journal, 20(3): 1–18.
Yemelin V.A. (2017) Filosofsko-metodologicheskiy analiz transformatsii identichnosti cheloveka v usloviyakh razvitiya tekhnologiy informatsionnogo obshchestva [Philosophical and methodological analysis of the transformation of human identity in the context of the development of information society technologies]. Abstract of the dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Philology (in Russian).
Received: 11.06.2024
Accepted: 11.06.2024
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Pivovarov, A.M. 2024. Forms of bodily capital: analysis of sociological concepts. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology). 27, 2 (Jun. 2024), 152–178. DOI:
Sociology of the Body