Transformation of Anti-Digital Rhetoric in the Media of Russian Orthodox Nationalists: from Religious to Political
Research Article
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Korpusov D.I. (2023) Transformation of Anti-Digital Rhetoric in the Media of Russian Orthodox Nationalists: from Religious to Political. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 26(3): 100-114 (in Russian). DOI: EDN: YXMSVJ
The current “conservative turn”, which has been a trend of Russia's policy since 2011, due to its scale, inevitably influences the transformations of the rhetoric used by any political movement in Russia. The extant of this influence is predictably higher in the case of conservative and religious movements, which are generally pro-government. By virtue of their loyalist character, they had to reorganize their rhetoric according to the mainstream of the state's public discourse. This article is an attempt to analyse the results of this process. In the article we will analyse the basic concepts of modern digital phobic rhetoric used by Orthodox nationalist organisations in Russia, trace the transformations of their public digital phobic rhetoric, and highlight the most popular ideas constituting and corroborating the digital phobic discourse within the politically active Orthodox fundamentalist community. The changes will be highlighted through the comparative analysis of digital phobic rhetoric of Russian Orthodox nationalists of the 1990s and the modern representatives of this movement. The analysis will be performed through defining the relative importance of various groups of political and conspirological theories legitimating the digital phobic discourse within the community of politically active Orthodox fundamentalists at the present time and back in the 1990s. The method of the research is based on content analysis, concerning the frequency of word-markers characteristic of a ideological theory or conception. This analysis lets to define the prevailing at the present time narrative of Russian Orthodox nationalism, identify the value-based guidelines of digital phobic movement within the realm of Russian Orthodox nationalism. In turn, it will provide the understanding of the influence of the "conservative turn" in Russia's policy on the public rhetoric of Russian Orthodox nationalism, exemplified by the digital phobic rhetoric. Its ideological basis will be also identified, along with the essential features of modern Russian Orthodox COVID dissidence, which is closely linked with the resentment provoked in some Russian Orthodox circles by the digitalisation.
digital phobia, digitalisation, anti-globalism, Russian Orthodox nationalism, fundamentalism
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Received: 10.10.2022
Accepted: 21.09.2023
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Korpusov, D.I. 2023. Transformation of Anti-Digital Rhetoric in the Media of Russian Orthodox Nationalists: from Religious to Political. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology). 26, 3 (Sep. 2023), 100-114. DOI:
Political Sociology