Пожилые люди в сельской местности во время пандемии COVID -19

  • Ирина Петухова Петрозаводский государственный университет, Петрозаводск, Россия irini-ptz@yandex.ru
Для цитирования
Петухова И.(2022) Пожилые люди в сельской местности во время пандемии COVID -19. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 25(3): 187-209.


This article examines the experience of the elderly with pandemic limitations in rural areas. Elderly living in rural areas, infrastructure deficits, and restrictions on access to medical care are considered in categories of social exclusion. Pandemic restrictions have further alienated rural areas from major centres due to the cancellation of long-distance transportation and disruptions to medical facilities. At the same time, rural areas had certain advantages over urban areas: rather mild quarantine restrictions, “green” zones, remote areas with opportunities for walking. The (non)transformation of the everyday life of rural seniors was the result of the opportunity to perform habitual daily activities and maintain social interactions. Using materials from 17 interviews with representatives of the older generation collected in four rural settlements of the Republic of Karelia, we analyzed how older people permanently living in rural areas experienced the pandemic. We divided the results into a number of thematic blocks, in which we illustrated the (un)changed lifestyles of rural elderly, community solidarity, access to medical care, opportunities for information, as well as situations of uncertainty in assessing the actions of the authorities, vaccination, and other consequences of the pandemic. Among the most acute problems, informants noted lack of access to timely and qualified assistance, limited access to social infrastructure facilities, limited personal social contacts with those who lived in other communities, limited access to information. Infrastructural and pandemic constraints intersect in these problems. Among the positive effects of the pandemic, informants noted the establishment of closer emotional ties and the “spreading” of caring for one another. As our study shows, despite the fact that rural areas had certain advantages over urban areas in terms of carrying out everyday practices, pandemic restrictions “exposed” the most urgent problems of rural areas.


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Поступила: 09.03.2023

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Петухова, И. 2022. Пожилые люди в сельской местности во время пандемии COVID -19. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 25, 3 (сен. 2022), 187-209.