Ideology and the state: the relevance of the Althusserian tradition in the analysis of COVID -19 management in Sweden

  • Lika Rodin University of Skövde, Sweden
Для цитирования
Rodin L.(2022) Ideology and the state: the relevance of the Althusserian tradition in the analysis of COVID -19 management in Sweden. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 25(3): 108-128. DOI:


Althusser’s theory of Ideological State Apparatuses has often been marginalised over the last decade in academic discussions as reductionist and normative. This study aims to outline major critiques and the corresponding modifications of Althusser’s initial theoretical framework. This extended version of the theory is then applied to the analysis of politics related to COVID-19 in Sweden. A case is examined of an activist group named the Media Watchdogs of Sweden (MEWAS) that challenged the management of the pandemic by the Swedish authorities and mass media. As demonstrated in this study, Althusserian insights help explain shifts between democratic and oppressive regimes within society, as well as operationalise mechanisms of conformity and resistance. 


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Rodin, L. 2022. Ideology and the state: the relevance of the Althusserian tradition in the analysis of COVID -19 management in Sweden. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 25, 3 (сен. 2022), 108-128. DOI: