Social Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction: Experimental Research Experience

  • Roman Abramov HSE University, Moscow, Russia
  • Viktoria Katechkina HSE University, Moscow, Russia
How to Cite
Abramov R., Katechkina V. (2022) Social Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction: Experimental Research Experience. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(2): 214-243 (in Russian). DOI:


Modern cultural and technological changes have contributed to the expansion of social artifacts, including the involvement in society of initially (non) social, that is, objects that do not act like people. This applies to materialized neo-social subjects, namely, the so-called social robots, manifested in material and non-material forms. The subjects of interaction include all kinds of voice assistants, chat bots, social robots, which are sometimes involved in society as if they were people. Our study is an attempt to reveal the peculiarities of people's perception of the emergence of special intelligent systems — social robots in everyday situations. The first part of the article is devoted to an overview of the main theoretical approaches in sociology to the study of the interaction between a robot and a person, with an emphasis on the barriers and fears of such interaction. Then the research methodology is described, which has become a factorial survey using the vignetting method, which is a fictional brief description of a certain object, individual or situation, which contains systematically varying experimental factors. Students of Moscow universities aged 18 and over took part in the study. According to the results of the study, the perception of human-robot interaction was mediated by a number of sociocultural phenomena and there was a tendency for higher assessments of the admissibility of a humanoid robot in all situations, but a contrast in assessments depending on the situation for an android robot was also noticeable. The study made it possible to comprehensively assess the importance of factors in the perception of neomorphic subjects, which are most often mentioned in thematic scientific publications. The potential scientific value of the work lies in the breadth of coverage of various factors and the approbation of the factorial survey method for assessing the perception of interaction with neomorphic subjects using the example of robots. The results of the study can become a practical guide for developers on how to make social interfaces more acceptable and understandable to people — this is the potential practical value of the work.
human-robot interaction, social robot, factorial survey, vignette, uncanny valley, algorithmization


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Received: 09.03.2023

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Abramov, R. and Katechkina, V. 2022. Social Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction: Experimental Research Experience. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology). 25, 2 (Jun. 2022), 214-243. DOI: