Религиозная традиция и образовательные успехи учеников в польских католических школах: факторы развития негосударственного сектора образования
Грыз Р. (2016) Римско-католическая церковь в Польской Народной Республике (1944/45-1989): формы сосуществования с режимом и роль идейной оппозиции. Государство. Религия. Церковь в России и за рубежом, 3(34): 11–43.
Митрега А. (2010) Современная польская семья: вызовы и риски постмодерна. Журналисследований социальной политики, 8(3): 373–392.
Bielska E., Radziewicz-Winnicki A., Roter A. (2005) Social and Educational Problems in Poland (Essays and Chosen Conceptions at the Background of the EU Accession). Katowice: Colonel.
Cichosz W. (2013) Mozliwosci dialogu wychowania chrzescijanskiego ze wspolczesna educacja Polska. Krakow: Pelplin.
Coleman J.S. (1988) Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. American Journal of Sociology, 94: 95–120.
Hallinan M., Kubitschek W.N. (2012) A Comparison of Academic Achievement and Adherence to the Common School Ideal in Public Schools. Sociology of Education, 85: 1–22.
Hobsbawm E. (1983) Introduction. Inventing Traditions. In E. Hobsbawm, T. Ranger (eds.) The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maj A. (2002) Szkolnictwo katolickie w III RP (1989-2001). Wazszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Waszawskiego.
Mulvey J.D., Maloney A.T., Cooper B.S. (2014) Blurring the lines: Charter, Public, Private and religious Schools Coming together. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Osewska E. (2012) The Current Situation of Education Profession Development of RE Teachers in Poland in the Context of the Social Challenges. The Person and the Challenges, 2: 123–131.
Smak M. (2014) Czynniki warunkuj?ce zainteresowanie szko?ami katolickimi. Opuscula sociologica, 4: 17–29.
Wronska K. (2014) The Polish Family in View of the Idea of a Civil Society, in Religion long forgotten. In D. Stepkowski, A. Murzyn (eds.), The importance of religion in education towards civil society. Cracow: Impuls: 207–223.
Bielska E., Radziewicz-Winnicki A., Roter A. (2005) Social and Educational Problems in Poland (Essays and Chosen Conceptions at the Background of the EU Accession). Katowice: Colonel.
Cichosz W. (2013) Mozliwosci dialogu wychowania chrzescijanskiego ze wspolczesna educacja Polska. Krakow: Pelplin.
Coleman J.S. (1988) Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. American Journal of Sociology, 94: 95-120.
Hallinan M., Kubitschek W.N. (2012) A Comparison of Academic Achievement and Adherence to the Common School Ideal in Public Schools. Sociology of Education, 85: 1-22.
Hobsbawm E. (1983) Introduction. Inventing Traditions. In: E. Hobsbawm, T. Ranger (eds.) The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maj A. (2002) Szkolnictwo katolickie w III RP (1989-2001). Wazszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Waszawskiego.
Mulvey J.D., Maloney A.T., Cooper B.S. (2014) Blurring the lines: Charter, Public, Private and religious Schools Coming together. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Osewska E. (2012) The Current Situation of Education Profession Development of RE Teachers in Poland in the Context of the Social Challenges. The Person and the Challenges, 2: 123-131.
Smak M. (2014) Czynniki warunkuj?ce zainteresowanie szko?ami katolickimi. Opuscula sociologica, 4: 17-29.
Wronska K. (2014) The Polish Family in View of the Idea of a Civil Society, in Religion long forgotten. In D. Stepkowski, A. Murzyn (eds.), The importance of religion in education towards civil society. Cracow: Impuls: 207-223.
Gryz R. (2016) Rimsko-katolicheskaja cerkov' v Pol'skoj Narodnoj Respublike (1944/45-1989): formy sosushhestvovanija s rezhimom i rol' idejnoj oppozicii. [Catholic Church in the People’s Republic of Poland (1944/45–1989): Forms of Co-Existence with the Regime and the Role of Ideological Opposition]. Gosudarstvo. Religiya. Tserkov v Rossii I za rubezhom [State. Religion. Church in Russia and abroad], 34(3): 11-43.
Mitrega A. (2010) Sovremennaya pol'skaya sem'ya: vyzovy i riski postmoderna [Modern polish family: challenges and threats of post-modernity]. Zhurnal issledovaniy sotsial'noy politiki [The Journal of Social Policy Studies], 8(3): 373-392.