Медийное конструирование российских профессиональных династий и профессиональных групп в эпоху перемен (1990–2002)

  • Ксения Черняева Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия Chernyaeva@gmail.com
  • Татьяна Черняева Поволжский институт управления имени П.А. Столыпина - филиал Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации, Саратов, Россия tatcher@yandex.ru
  • Наталья Сорокина Саратовский государственный технический университет имени Ю.А. Гагарина, Саратов, Россия Sorokina@gmail.com
Для цитирования
Черняева К., Черняева Т., Сорокина Н. Медийное конструирование российских профессиональных династий и профессиональных групп в эпоху перемен (1990–2002). Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 24(4): 1990–2002.


The work is devoted to the study of professional dynasties and professional groups within the framework of the sociological reconstruction of media discourses. It is the second part of a series of works devoted to the study of professional dynasties and their representation in the media space. The previous articles reveal the meanings and methods of constructing dynasty in the official press since the 1960s–1980s. The press, glorifying the working man, did not disregard labor dynasties as topics that help shape the values of continuity and ideological justification of family labor. The article focuses on the changes that are taking place in the space of professions in the 90s in the general context of social transformations. The empirical base is formed by the results of discourse analysis of publications of the central print media (Pravda, Izvestia) from 1990 to 2002. In the press of this time, the following topics are being worked out: the boundaries of state intervention in the economy, re-formation as a process and analysis of its consequences, social stratification into rich and poor, the position of various social groups, a decline in living standards and loss of social security, a rapid rise in prices. Media discourses contribute to the consolidation of new professional groups demanded by the era of businessmen, merchants, entrepreneurs, broadcasting the significance of their activities in terms of success and economic profitability. The legitimization of media discourse is carried out in three main strategies: the use of the evidence base of sociological surveys, the appeal to the narratives of the working person, the representation of life facts and events. Dynasties of workers and intelligentsia that were previously popular, but which have lost their value in a market economy, are being pushed out of the discursive field. The components of a new social identity are being laid. Strategies for getting rich, quick and risky entrepreneurship, flexible change of professional orientations, skillful maneuvering in the business field between market conditions, free competition and the tutelage of racketeering are actively promoted.


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Черняева, К., Черняева, Т. и Сорокина, Н. . Медийное конструирование российских профессиональных династий и профессиональных групп в эпоху перемен (1990–2002). Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 24, 4 (), 1990–2002.