Временная трудовая миграция в России: актуальные вопросы и социологические исследования
Alekseyenko V. D., Simonova N. N., Zuyeva T. N. (2009) Vliyaniye proizvodstvennykh faktorov na sostoyaniye zdorov'ya rabotnikov neftedobychi pri vakhtovoy organizatsii truda v zapolyar'ye [Influence of Industrial Factors on Health Status of Oil Production Workers during Rotations in Polar Region]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Human Ecology], 6: 47–50 (in Russian).
Averkiyeva K. V., Antonov Ye. V., Kirillov P. L., Makhrova A. G., Medvedev A. A., Neretin A. S., Nefedova T. G., Treyvish A. I. (2016) Mezhdu domom… i domom. Vozvratnaya prostranstvennaya mobil'nost' naseleniya Rossii [Between Home and… Home. The Return Spatial Mobility of Population in Russia]. Moscow: Novyy khronograf (in Russian). https://doi.org/10.15356/BHAH2016.
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Dyagileva V. B., Bolotnova T. V. (2013) Metabolicheskiy sindrom u rabochikh vakhtovogo metoda truda v usloviyakh severnogo goroda Khanty-Mansiyskogo okruga — Yugry [The Metabolic Syndrome of Workers on Shift Basis in Conditions of Northern City in The District of Khanty-Mansiysk]. Meditsinskaya nauka i obrazovaniye Urala [Medical Science and Education of Ural], 2(14): 29–31 (in Russian).
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Korneyeva Y. A., Dubinina N. I., Simonova N. N., Degteva G. N., Fedotov D. M. (2013) Riski v professional'noy deyatel'nosti vakhtovykh rabotnikov v usloviyakh kraynego severa [Risks of Shift Workers in Professional Activity in Far North]. Byulleten' Vostochno-Sibirskogo nauchnogo tsentra Sibirskogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii meditsinskikh nauk [Acta Biomedica Scientifica (East Siberian Biomedical Journal)], 91(3–2): 83–88 (in Russian).
Mkrtchyan H. V., Florinskaya Yu. F. (2019) Zhiteli malykh i srednikh gorodov Rossii: trudovaya migratsiya kak al'ternativa bezvozvratnomu ot"yezdu [Residents of small and medium-sized cities of Russia: labor migration as an alternative to irrevocable departure]. Zhurnal Novoy ekonomicheskoy assotsiatsii [Journal of the New Economic Association], 3 (43): 78–94 (in Russian).
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Plyusnin Y. M., Zausayeva YA. D., Zhidkevich N. N., Pozanenko A. A. (2013) Otkhodniki [Otkhodniks (Wandering workers)]. Moscow: Novyy Khronograf (in Russian).
Ryazantsev S. V. (2014) Novyye formy vremennoy emigratsii iz Rossii [New Forms of Temporary Emigration from Russia]. Nauka. Innovatsii. Tekhnologii [Science. Innovation. Technology], 2: 81–93 (in Russian).
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