Стратегии адаптивного поведения сельских мигрантов (на примере основных этнических групп Хакасии)

  • Ольга Лушникова Хакасский научно-исследовательский институт языка, литературы и истории, Абакан, Россия oltolt@mail.ru
Для цитирования
Лушникова О. Стратегии адаптивного поведения сельских мигрантов (на примере основных этнических групп Хакасии). Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 24(4): 7-33.


The relevance of this topic is due to the intensive migration of the rural population. The success of rural migrants in the urban depends on the adaptation strategy. The article is based on the results of the study of adaptation processes of the main ethnic groups of Khakassia: Russian people and Khakass people. The purpose of this article is to detect the main types of adaptation strategies of these groups. The empirical base is materials of a sociological survey of rural migrants living in urban settlements of Khakassia (403 Russians and 402 Khakass people). Homogeneous groups among Russians and Khakass people were allocated by cluster analysis method. The main characteristics of adaptation strategy: motivation component, purpose, the character of job, interaction with urban actors, urban lifestyle, urban identity. Three main types of adaptation strategies are typical for all rural migrants: passive-pessimistic, passive-realistic, and active-optimistic. The moving for objective reasons is more associated with a passive-pessimistic type of behavior, forced migration — with passive-realistic adaptation strategies, and moving to the urban for a better life — with active-optimistic strategies. In addition, the type of strategy varies depending on the level of education of the migrants, job, material wealth, and future expectations. Among Russians are more rural migrants with an active-optimistic type of strategy, among Khakass people are visitors with a flexible strategy — passive-realistic type.


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Лушникова, О. . Стратегии адаптивного поведения сельских мигрантов (на примере основных этнических групп Хакасии). Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 24, 4 (), 7-33.