Культурные практики, нормы и предпочтения российской рабочей молодежи как составляющие ее классового габитуса

  • Татьяна Гаврилюк Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia tv_gavrilyuk@mail.ru
Для цитирования
Гаврилюк Т. Культурные практики, нормы и предпочтения российской рабочей молодежи как составляющие ее классового габитуса. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 24(3): 110-143. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2021.24.3.6


The article is aimed to study cultural practices, norms, tastes, preferences and ethical attitudes of Russian working-class youth as the features of class habitus. These characteristics have been considered as the factors of class positions and identities production of young people in a given social group. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the culture-oriented class analysis of P. Bourdieu, as well as the reflective analysis of class culture based on the categorical field of phenomenology. In accordance with international practice, the object of the research comprises not only industrial workers, but also young people of the new working class of modern Russia, employed in the service sector. The following basic features of cultural habitus have been analyzed in the article: the intensity of interpersonal communication; the specifics of the information space; dominant leisure practices; musical preferences; sports and health-preserving behavior; alcohol and drug consumption; class culture norms and ethical attitudes; assessment of the admissibility of offenses, aggression and physical violence; the degree of intercultural tolerance. The empirical foundation of the research was the qualitative data of 31 biographical interviews and the results of a mass survey of working-class youth — 1534 respondents living in the Urals Federal District. According to the results of the study, the financial barrier, the image of certain leisure spaces traditionally referred to “high” culture as closed to the working class, gender norms adopted in the working environment can be the significant factors that form the differences in the cultural practices of the working and middle class youth. The leisure time of the new working class young representatives is to a greater extent connected with the home space, which presupposes the fixation of the current parameters of social capital and the closure of class boundaries. An assessment of the main normative patterns of class culture that regulate young people’s behavior in a social setting indicates a low degree of interethnic and intercultural tolerance, as well as a high degree of normative relativism, manifested in tolerance for everyday illegal actions that can bring benefits. The data presented in the article can be helpful to the bodies of youth policy and cultural institutions to take measures aimed at increasing the level of working-class youth involvement in the urban space, preventing their marginalization and the closure of everyday life at the level of routine everyday practices.


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Гаврилюк, Т. . Культурные практики, нормы и предпочтения российской рабочей молодежи как составляющие ее классового габитуса. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 24, 3 (), 110-143. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2021.24.3.6.