Роль цифровых технологий в преодолении депрессии: кейс студентов Санкт-Петербурга
Alekseyev N.Y., Sudakov O.V. (2016) Informatizatsiya zdravookhraneniya [Informatization of health care]. Aktual'nyye voprosy i perspektivy razvitiya meditsiny [Topical issues and prospects for the development of medicine]: 85–87 (in Russian).
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Dudina V.I., Ruppel A.F. (2020) «Menya vyvodit iz sebya lyubaya meloch'»: samomedikalizatsiya stressa i patterny upotrebleniya farmatsevticheskikh preparatov v tsifrovom obshchestve ["Every little thing freaks me out": the self-medicalization of stress and the patterns of drug use in a digital society]. Monitoring obshchestvennogo mneniya: ekonomicheskiye i sotsial'nyye peremeny [Monitoring Public Opinion: Economic and Social Change], 2: 312–330 (in Russian).
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Huguet A., Rao S., McGrath P.J., Wozney L., Wheaton M., Conrod J., Rozario S. (2016) A systematic review of cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral activation apps for depression. PloS one, 11(5), e0154248.
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Kubrik Y.Y., Gosteva P.V. (2016) Informatizatsiya meditsinskikh uslug kak trend: opyt rossiyskogo IT-proyekta, integrirovannogo s klinikami [Informatization of medical services as a trend: the experience of a Russian IT project integrated with clinics]. Vrach i informatsionnyye tekhnologii [Physician and Information Technology], 4: 48–56 (in Russian).
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Oliffe J.L., Robertson S., Kelly M.T., Roy P., Ogrodniczuk J.S. (2010) Connecting masculinity and depression among international male university students. Qualitative health research, 20(7): 987–998.
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Sharon T. (2017) Self-tracking for health and the quantified self: Re-articulating autonomy, solidarity, and authenticity in an age of personalized healthcare. Philosophy & Technology, 30(1): 93–121.
Shchittsova T. (2020) Prinimat' ili ne prinimat' antidepressanty? Politika samosti v epokhu psikhofarmakoterapii [Should I or should I not take antidepressants? The politics of the self in the era of psychopharmacotherapy]. Topos, 1: 51–75 (in Russian).
Shchittsova T., Poleshchuk I., Artimovich T., Kovtyak E. (2020) Bez budushchego: depressiya i avtoritarnoye obshchestvo [Without a future: depression and an authoritarian society]. Vilnus: Logvino literaturos namai (in Russian).
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