Инвестиции времени в заботу о здоровье: оценка на основе выборочного социологического исследования
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Gruzdeva M.A., Korolenko A.V. (2018) Povedencheskie faktory sokhranenija zdorovya molodezhi [Behavioral factors which can influence preservation of young people's health]. Analiz riska zdorovyu [Health Risk Analysis], 2: 41–51 (in Russian). https://doi.org/10.21668/health.risk/2018.2.05.
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Kuznecova S.N., Romanovskaja E.V., Pasechnik A.S., Egorova M.I. (2019) Investicii v zdorov'e rabotnikov kak sposob povyshenija jeffektivnosti organizacii [Investicii v zdorov'e rabotnikov kak sposob povyshenija jeffektivnosti organizacii]. Upravlencheskiy uchet [Upravlencheskij uchet], 1: 4–11 (in Russian).
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Rozmainsky I.V., Osipova V.A. (2020) Jekonomicheskij analiz kurenija kak negativnoj investicii v kapital zdorov'ja [Economic analysis of smoking as a negative investment in health capital]. Terra Economicus, 18(1):58–80 (in Russian).
Saburova L.A. (2015) Zdorovye kak simvolicheskiy kapital: osobennosti kapitalizatsii i social'nogo obmena v sfere zdorovya [Health as symbolic capital: peculiarities of capitalization and social exchange in health]. Nauchnyy ezhegodnik Instituta filosofii i prava Uralskogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk [Research Yearbook, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 15(2): 48–60 (in Russian).
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