Теоретические подходы к изучению формирования и воспроизводства социальных неравенств в здоровье

  • Сания Бояркина Социологический институт РАН, Федеральный центр теоретической и прикладной социологии Российской академии наук, Санкт-Петербург, Россия s.boyarkina@socinst.ru
  • Дарья Ходоренко Социологический институт РАН, Федеральный центр теоретической и прикладной социологии Российской академии наук, Санкт-Петербург, Россия s.boyarkina@socinst.ru
Для цитирования
Бояркина С., Ходоренко Д. Теоретические подходы к изучению формирования и воспроизводства социальных неравенств в здоровье. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 23(5): 41-73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2020.23.5.2


The article is dedicated to studying the theoretical concepts of status inequalities in health from the moment of their origin to the present day, their prerequisites and mutual influence, key provisions, analytical and explanatory models. The processes of static and dynamic research paradigms formation, their origins, conceptual foundations, and methodological differences are described. Problem of status inequalities in health is associated with the period of Western society’s industrialization, when changes in the structure of labor market were accompanied by increasing of urbanization and urban population density, social inequalities and infectious diseases mortality among representatives of financially deprived groups. The ongoing socio-epidemiological processes attract the attention of researchers, who had practical aim to ensure the safety of living environment. Development of scientific knowledge focused on the problems of individual and common living, leaded to formation of disciplinary-specific grounds for studying the causes of health inequalities. Over the past 40 years studying of status inequalities in health has been accompanied by better understanding of factors that affect health in various status groups and creating research methodology that supposed studying interactions between levels of social organization and mechanisms of individual social and psychological adaptation to social reality changes.


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Бояркина, С. и Ходоренко, Д. . Теоретические подходы к изучению формирования и воспроизводства социальных неравенств в здоровье. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 23, 5 (), 41-73. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2020.23.5.2.