Sociological Models of Contemporary Civilizational Analysis

  • Ruslan Braslavskiy The Sociological Institute of the RAS, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
How to Cite
Braslavskiy R. Sociological Models of Contemporary Civilizational Analysis. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 23(5): 7-40 (in Russian). DOI:


In the currently forming sociological paradigm of civilizational analysis, there are four main models: process, configuration, interaction, relational. These models correlate with the approaches to historical inquiry: universal history, local history, translocal history, and global history, respectively. Sociological models of civilizational analysis are, as a rule, challenges to the dominant methodological attitudes and ontological assumptions within the frameworks of the historical studies. The four highlighted models are considered rather not as independent directions diverging from each other, but as components of the research program of civilizational analysis in sociology that are in a dialogical relationship with each other. They focus on different aspects of sociohistorical reality and reflect the different degrees and forms of its structuredness. Further development of the research program of civilizational analysis in sociology presupposes a closer conjugation of the interpretative-institutional approach of the pluralistic theory of civilizational patterns and interactions presented in the works of B. Nelson, S. Eisenstadt, J. Arnason, B. Wittrock and other sociologists, with the process-relational methodology of figurative sociology by N. Elias and his followers.
civilizational analysis; sociology; world history; local history; translocal history; global history; civilizations; civilizing processes; modernity.


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Braslavskiy, R. . Sociological Models of Contemporary Civilizational Analysis. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology). 23, 5 (), 7-40. DOI: