Нарративные макроструктуры в коллективной памяти Украины

  • Александра Нечаева Санкт-Петербургский университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия a.nechaeva@spbu.ru
Для цитирования
Нечаева А. Нарративные макроструктуры в коллективной памяти Украины. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 23(4): 103-135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2020.23.4.4


The moments of societal unrest and rebuilding of the customary lifestyle call to the activization of mnemotic processes of the identity building in a community. The amplification of such processes in Ukraine began at the end of 2013 — beginning of 2014; under the circumstances of the changing geopolitical situation, the production and dissemination of collective memory became more and more visible. We made an attempt to discover the macrostructures of the collective memory of Ukraine transmitted in the form of narratives that had been forming in Ukrainian online-portals since 2014. The theoretical background of this work lies in the field of Memory Studies and the study of narratives. The method of narrative analysis has served as a methodological basis of the presented article, as it allows to study social relations expressed through language practices and pay tribute to the processual nature of historical events. An innovative approach to discovering and describing narrative macrostructures of collective memory has been developed based on the synthesis of K. Burke’s, W. Wertsch’s, T. Terekhova’s methodologies and structure-event analysis of D. Heize. Textual articles and commentary pieces as well as videos placed on Ukrainian websites “LIKBEZ. Istorychnyy front”, “Pamʺyatʹ Natsiyi” and the official website of Ukrainian Institute of national memory served as the study material for the presented research. The selected websites correspond to the declared subject and attract a considerable number of visitors. As a result of conducted research, 4 narrative macrostructures of collective memory of contemporary Ukraine were discovered and characterized, moreover, their correlation with each other was shown. Among the presented macrostructures are the following: “Ukraine as a victim”, “Ukraine as a separate distinctive state”, “Ukraine as a heroic fighter”, “Ukraine as a part of Europe”.


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Нечаева, А. . Нарративные макроструктуры в коллективной памяти Украины. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 23, 4 (), 103-135. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2020.23.4.4.