Методология или философия истории? К вопросу о квалификации теории исторического познания А.С. Лаппо-Данилевского

  • Игорь Тяпин Вологодский государственный университет, Вологда, Россия i.n.tyapin@mail.ru
Для цитирования
Тяпин И. Методология или философия истории? К вопросу о квалификации теории исторического познания А.С. Лаппо-Данилевского. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 22(5): 102-120.


The question of the nature and significance of A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky's theoretical research is still insufficiently defined due to the ambiguity of the subject of philosophy of history and the multilayered nature of the Methodology of History. This work incorporates historical, philosophical and sociological problems within a certain "paradigm" of social studies. Most modern scholars of Lappo-Danilevsky's theoretical works prefer to focus on the significance and relevance of certain aspects of his approach, which systematised almost all social and methodological knowledge of the time. There are no generalizable final conclusions, but the historiographical, philosophical and sociological elements of the concepts are noted. In favor of this reading are the very definitions of Lappo-Danilevsky who stated that, unlike the philosophy and sociology of history, the methodology of history does not aim to study objective historical being, being limited to historical epistemology, and the historian's great attention to the methodology of source study, as well as the lack of a developed theory of historical development in his works. On the other hand, Lappo-Danilevsky uses a broad philosophical base that goes beyond the theory of cognition (this includes not only neo-Kantianism, but also the classical philosophy of the Modern Times and the Enlightenment, philosophy of life, phenomenology, the historiosophy of Russian conservatism, sociological concepts of that time, etc.). His reference to questions of historical ontology in the construction of history testifies to the definition of history as an interdependent natural set of events. He emphasises the role of individual subjects of history (the activity of historical individuals as a type of dialectical interaction of the individual with the environment) and “collective beings” (social groups, peoples, states, etc.). Lappo-Danilevsky's understanding of history largely unfolds as a history of cultural and ethical ideas and the movement towards a moral ideal. Assertions about the contextual philosophical-historical nature of Lappo-Danilevsky's methodology of history extend the boundaries of the theory of history to the philosophy of history in its epistemological version. This context was a consequence of the logic of system-theoretic cognition of history as a set of socio-cultural formations, as well as the unity of gnoseological and epistemological approaches.


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Тяпин, И. . Методология или философия истории? К вопросу о квалификации теории исторического познания А.С. Лаппо-Данилевского. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 22, 5 (), 102-120.
Методология исторического познания