А.С. Лаппо-Данилевский в истории российской социологии
Belov V. (2017) «Vechnye problemy» v issledovanii tvorchestva M.M. Baxtina [“Eternal Problems” in the study of the works of M.M. Bakhtin]. Filosofskiy polilog [Philosophical polylogue], 1: 143–152 (in Russian). doi: https://doi.org/10.31119/phlog.2017.1.13.
Boronoev A.O., Kapustina E.G., Skvortsov N.G. (2016) Russkoe sociologicheskoe obshhe-stvo im. M.M. Kovalevskogo: istoriya i deyatelnost [Russian Sociological Society. M.M. Kovalevsky: history and activities: To the 100th anniversary of creation]. St. Petersburg: Asterion (in Russian).
Boronoev A.O., Lomonosova M.V., Mironov D.V., Skvortsov N.G. (2016) Sociologicheskoe obshhestvo im. M.M. Kovalevskogo: istoriya i sovremennost. K 100-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya [Sociological Society. M.M. Kovalevsky: history and modernity. To the 100th anniversary of its foundation] Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 19(3): 5–15 (in Russian).
Chernobaev A.A. (2013) A.S. Lappo-Danilevskij v novejshej rossijskoj istoriografii [A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky in the newest Russian historiography] Klio [Clio], 12: 40–45 (in Russian).
Dolgova E.A. (2013) Dokumenty o deyatelnosti Russkogo sociologicheskogo obshhestva im. M.M. Kovalevskogo (1916–1923) [Documents on the activities of the Russian Sociological Society. M.M. Kovalevsky (1916–1923)] Klio [Clio], 12: 67–71 (in Russian).
Dolgova E.A. (2011) Dokumenty Russkogo sociologicheskogo obshhestva imeni M. M. Kovalevskogo (1916–1923 gg.) [Documents of the Russian Sociological Society named after MM Kovalevsky (1916–1923)] Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological studies], 6: 135–143. (in Russian).
Ilizarov S.S. (2015) A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky — istorik nauki. Arxiv istorii nauki i texniki [A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky –– the historian of science] Arkhiv istorii nauki i tekhniki [Archive of the history of science and technology], Issue V (XIV). Ed. S. Ilizarov. Moscow: Janus-K: 63–102 (in Russian).
Kareev N.I. (1996) Osnovy russkoj sociologii [Fundamentals of Russian sociology]. St. Petersburg: Ivan Limbach Publishing House (in Russian).
Korzun V.P. (2013) A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky: pervye opyty intellektualnoj istorii v rossijskoj gumanitaristike [A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky: the first experiments of intellectual history in the Russian humanities] Klio [Clio], 12: 77–82 (in Russian).
Kozlovskiy V.V. (2013) Ot metodologii istorii k istoricheskoj metasociologii: uroki A.S. Lappo-Danilevskogo [From history methodology to historical metasociology: lessons from A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky] Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 3: 5–7 (in Russian).
Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. (2015) Izlozhenie i kritika teorii D.S. Millya (fragmenty rukopisi «O sociologii») [Statement and criticism of the theory of D.S. Mill (fragments of the manuscript “On Sociology”)] Veche. Zhurnal russkoy filosofii i kultury [Veche. Journal of Russian Philosophy and Culture], 27: 236–271 (in Russian).
Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. (1923) Metodologiya istorii [Methodology of history]. Petrograd: Russian State Academic Printing House (in Russian).
Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. (2017) O teorii cennosti (fragmenty) [On the theory of value (fragments)] Voprosy filosofii [Philosophy Questions], 4: 182–190 (in Russian).
Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. (2013a) Ob Institute socialnyx nauk. Zapiska komissii Rossijskoj Akademii nauk [On the Institute of Social Sciences. Note of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences] Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 3: 59–62 (in Russian).
Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. (2013б) Obshhee obozrenie (Summa) osnovnyx principov obshhestvovedeniya. Kurs 1902–1903 gg. [General Review (Summa) of the basic principles of social science. The course of 1902–1903] Voprosy filosofii [Philosophy Questions], 12: 96–105 (in Russian).
Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. (2014) Osnovanie sociologii (fragmenty kursa «Nauchnye osnovy sociologii v ix istoricheskom razvitii) [The Foundation of Sociology (fragments of the course “Scientific Foundations of Sociology in their Historical Development)] Sotsiologiya nauki i tekhnologiy [Sociology of science and technology], 5(2): 111–123 (in Russian).
Malinov A.V. (2016) Istoriya russkogo sociologicheskogo obshhestva im. M.M. Kovalevskogo (1916–1923). K 100-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya [History of the Russian Sociological Society. M.M. Kovalevsky (1916–1923): to the 100th anniversary of its foundation] Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological studies], 5: 141–145 (in Russian).
Malinov A.V. (2017) Sociologicheskoe nasledie A.S. Lappo-Danilevskogo: issledovaniya i materialy [Sociological Heritage of A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky: studies and materials]. St. Petersburg: RCCH (in Russian).
Rostovtsev E.A. (2000) A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky v istoricheskoj literature [A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky in historical literature]. In: Problemy social'nogo i gumanitarnogo znaniya. Sbornik nauchnyh rabot [Problems of social and humanitarian knowledge. Collection of scientific works]. St. Petersburg: D. Bulanin: 171–247 (in Russian).
Smagina G.I. (2016) «Dostojnym obrazom predstavit` russkuyu nauku». K 100-letiyu sozdaniya komissii po izdaniyu sbornika «Russkaya nauka» [“Adequately to present the Russian science”. On the 100th anniversary of the creation of the commission on the publication of the collection “Russian science”] Sotsiologiya nauki i tekhnologiy [Sociology of science and technology], 7(1): 9–22 (in Russian).
Sorokin P.A. (1991) Dolgiy put. Avtobiograficheskiy roman [A long journey: the autobiography of Pitirim A. Sorokin]. Syktyvkar: Union of Journalists of the Komi ASSR; Shpas (in Russian).
Sudba proekta «Russkaya nauka» (2016) Sudba proekta «Russkaya nauka». 1916–1920 (k 100-letiyu komissii po izdaniyu sbornika «Russkaya nauka»): stati i dokumenty [The fate of the project “Russian science”. 1916–1920 (on the 100th anniversary of the commission for the publication of the collection “Russian science”): Articles and documents]. Eds. V.M. Orel, G.I. Smagin, Y.M. Baturin. St. Petersburg; Moscow: Pero (in Russian).
Vasilenko V.V. (2017) Idei A.S. Lappo-Danilevskogo v teorii sociokul`turnoj dinamiki P.A. Sorokina [Ideas A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky in the theory of sociocultural dynamics P.A. Sorokin] Vestnik Syktyvkarskogo universiteta. Seriya gumanitarnyh nauk [Bulletin of the Syktyvkar University. Humanities Series], 6: 111–123 (in Russian).