Идентичность учителей: выбор профессии и адаптация к школе
Иванюшина В.А., Александров Д.А. (2016) Существует ли дифференциация учителей в российских школах? Социологический исследования, 9: 59–65.
Косарецкий С.Г, Пинская М.А., Мерцалова Т.А., Деркачев П.В., Савельева М.Б. (2015) Политика общеобразовательных учреждений по результатам опроса их руководителей. Информационный бюллетень. Москва: НИУ ВШЭ (Мониторинг экономики образования; 7 (89)).
Рощина Я.М., Филиппова Т.Н. (2012) Учителя и воспитатели на рынке труда: частные и государственные школы и ДОУ в 2006–2011 гг. Информационный бюллетень. М., НИУ ВШЭ.
Щепанская Т.Б. (2010) Сравнительная этнография профессий: повседневные практики и культурные коды. (Россия, конец XIX — начало XXI в.). СПб.: Наука.
Ярская-Смирнова Е., Романов П. (2012) Те самые профессии: шкалы престижа и рамки публичности. Романов П. В., Ярская-Смирнова Е. Р. (ред.). Антропология профессий: границы занятости в эпоху нестабильности. М.: Вариант: 7–28.
Alsup J. (2006) Teacher Identity Discourses: Negotiating Personal and Professional Spaces. Urbana, IL: NCTE.
Avraamidou L. (2014) Studying science teacher identity: current insights and future research directions, Studies in Science Education, 50, 2: 145–179.
Beauchamp C., Thomas L. (2009) Understanding teacher identity: an overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education, Cambridge Journal of Education, 39, 2: 175–189.
Beijaard D., Meijer P.C., Verloop N. (2013). The Emergence of Research on Teachers’ Professional Identity. Craig C.J., Meijer P.C. & Broeckmans J. (eds.) From Teacher Thinking to Teachers and Teaching: The Evolution of a Research Community. Emerald: 205–222.
Cho Y.J. & Lewis G.B. (2012). Turnover intention and turnover behavior implications for
retaining federal employees. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32 (1), 4–23.
Cochran-Smith M., McQuillan P., Mitchell K, Terrell D.G., Barnatt J., D'Souza L., Jong C., Shakman K., Lam K. and Gleeson A. M. (2012). A Longitudinal Study of Teaching Practice and Early Career Decisions: A Cautionary Tale. American Educational Research Journal, 20(49): 844–880.
Flores M.A., Day C. (2006). Contexts which shape and reshape new teachers’ identities: A multi-perspective study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 2: 219–232
Hardy I. (2012). The Politics of Teacher Professional Development: Policy, Research and Practice. New York: Routledge.
Hargreaves A., Goodson I. (1996). Teachers’ professional lives: aspirations and actualities. Goodson I., Hargreaves A. (eds.). Teachers’ professional lives. London, Falmer Press: 1–27.
Gordon J. (1994). Why students of color are not entering teaching: Reflections from minority teachers. Journal of Teacher Education, 45: 346–353.
Guarino C. M., Santiba?ez L. and Daley G.A. (2006). Teacher Recruitment and Retention: A Review of the Recent Empirical Literature. Review of educational research, 76: 173–208.
Ingersoll R. (2001). Teacher Turnover and Teacher Shortages: An Organizational Analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 38: 499–534.
Sikes P., Measor L. and Woods P. (1985). Teacher Careers: Crises and continuities. Lewes: Falmer Press.
Straubhaar R., Gottfried M. (2014). Who Joins Teach For America and Why? Insights into the ''Typical'' Recruit in an Urban School District. Education and Urban Society: 1–24.
Alsup J. (2006) Teacher Identity Discourses: Negotiating Personal and Professional Spaces. Urbana, IL: NCTE.
Avraamidou L. (2014) Studying science teacher identity: current insights and future research directions, Studies in Science Education, 50, 2: 145–179.
Beauchamp C., Thomas L. (2009) Understanding teacher identity: an overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education, Cambridge Journal of Education, 39, 2: 175–189.
Beijaard D., Meijer P.C., Verloop N. (2013) The Emergence of Research on Teachers’ Professional Identity. Craig C.J., Meijer P.C. & Broeckmans J. (eds.) From Teacher Thinking to Teachers and Teaching: The Evolution of a Research Community. Emerald: 205–222.
Cho Y.J. & Lewis G.B. (2012). Turnover intention and turnover behavior implications for retaining federal employees. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32 (1): 4–23.
Cochran-Smith M., McQuillan P., Mitchell K, Terrell D.G., Barnatt J., D'Souza L., Jong C., Shakman K., Lam K. and Gleeson A.M. (2012). A Longitudinal Study of Teaching Practice and Early Career Decisions: A Cautionary Tale. American Educational Research Journal, 20(49): 844–880.
Flores A., Day C. (2006). Contexts which shape and reshape new teachers’ identities: A multi-perspective study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 2: 219–232.
Hardy I. (2012). The Politics of Teacher Professional Development: Policy, Research and Practice. New York: Routledge.
Hargreaves A., Goodson I. (1996). Teachers’ professional lives: aspirations and actualities. Goodson I., Hargreaves A. (eds.). Teachers’ professional lives. London, Falmer Press: 1–27.
Gordon J. (1994). Why students of color are not entering teaching: Reflections from minority teachers. Journal of Teacher Education, 45: 346–
Guarino C. M., Santiba?ez L. and Daley G.A. (2006). Teacher Recruitment and Retention: A Review of the Recent Empirical Literature. Review of educational research, 76: 173–208.
Ingersoll R. (2001). Teacher Turnover and Teacher Shortages: An Organizational Analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 38: 499–534.
Ivanyushina V.A., Aleksandrov D.A. (2016). Sushhestvuyet li differentsiatsiya uchiteley v rossiyskikh shkolakh? [Does Differentiation of Teachers Exist in Russian Schools?]. Sociologicheskiye issledovaniya, 9: 59–65. (in Russian).
Jarskaja-Smirnova E., Romanov P. (2012). Te samye professii: shkaly prestizha i ramki publichnosti [Those same professions: Prestige and public awareness.] P.V. Romanov, E.R. Jarskaja-Smirnova (eds.). Antropologiya professiy: granitsy zanyatosti v epokhu nestabilnosti [Anthropology of Professions: Border Employment in an Era of Instability]. Moscow: Variant, 2012: 7–28. (in Russian).
Kosaretskiy S.G, Pinskaya M.A., Mertsalova T.A., Derkachev P.V., Savelyeva M.B. (2015). Politika obshheobrazovatelnyh uchrezhdeniy po rezultatam oprosa ikh rukovoditeley. Informatsionnyy byulleten. [Politics of General Educational Institutions Represented in a Survey of School Leaders. Informational Bulletin]. Moscow: NRU HSE. (in Russian).
Roshhina Y.M., Filippova T.N. (2012). Uchitelya i vospitateli na rynke truda: chastnye i gosudarstvennye shkoly i DOU v 2006–2011 gg. [Teachers and Tutors in the Labor Market: Private and State Schools and DOU in 2006–2011. Informational bulletin]. Moscow: NRU HSE. (in Russian).
Shepanskaya T.B. (2010). Sravnitelnaya etnografiya professiy: povsednevnye praktiki i kulturnye kody. (Rossiya, konets XIX — nachalo XXI v.) [Comparative ethnography of professions: everyday practices and cultural codes]. St. Petersburg. (in Russian).
Sikes P., Measor L. and Woods P. (1985). Teacher Careers: Crises and continuities. Lewes: Falmer Press.
Straubhaar R., Gottfried M. (2014). Who Joins Teach for America and Why? Insights into the “Typical” Recruit in an Urban School District. Education and Urban Society: 1–24.