Мигранты неевропейского происхождения в Европе: культурно-идентификационный аспект интеграции

  • В. Малахов The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Moscow, Russia malakhov-vs@ranepa.ru
Для цитирования
Малахов В.(2019) Мигранты неевропейского происхождения в Европе: культурно-идентификационный аспект интеграции. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, 22(3): 211-233. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2019.22.3.9


Putting aside the structural dimension of the integration issues, the author addresses to its cultural dimension. The paper is focused on the claim according to which the newcomers of non-European origin shape a special cultural identity that is incompatible with the identity of the host society. Relying on the existing corpus of academic literature devoted to the social incorporation of non-European migrants in European countries, the author shows that this claim does not stand up to empirical testing. The overwhelming majority of the migrants and their offspring share the values of the host society. As for the moral conservatism attributed to immigrants from Islamic countries, the available research suggests the following conclusions. Firstly, the population that falls under the category “Muslim migrants” is extremely heterogeneous in terms of ideological orientations and behavioral patterns. Secondly, the attitudes of Muslim migrants should not be compared with the socio-cultural mainstream, but rather with the attitudes of other conservative-minded groups in a particular European country. Under this condition, adherence to illiberal values does not look like a challenge to the “host community”.
Ключевые слова:
migrants’ integration, identity, Western Europe, Muslims, immigration


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Малахов, В. 2019. Мигранты неевропейского происхождения в Европе: культурно-идентификационный аспект интеграции. Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 22, 3 (ноя. 2019), 211-233. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2019.22.3.9.