Мобильная социология Джона Урри
Макарычев А. Периферийность, окраинность, маргинальность? // Космополис. 2003. № 3 (5). С. 30-40
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Martinelli A. Global Order or Divided World Pressures for Continuity in the Context of Globalization // Current Sociology. 2003. Vol. 51. No 2. March. P. 95-100.
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Smelser N.J. Pressures for Continuity in the Context of Globalization // Current Sociology.2003. Vol. 51. 2. March. P. 101-112.
Touraine A. Sociology without Societies Pressures for Continuity in the Context of Globalization // Current Sociology. 2003. Vol. 51. No 2. March. P. 123-131.
Urry J. Consuming Places. London: Routledge, 1995.
Urry J. Global Complexities. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
Urry J. Globalization and citizenship // Paper given to World Congress of Sociology, Montreal. July 1998. http://www.comp.lancaster.ac.uk/sociology/soc009ju.
Urry J. Mobile Sociology // British Journal of Sociology. 2000a. Vol. 51. No 1. January/March. P. 185-203.
Urry J. Sociology Beyond Societies. London: Routledge, 2000b.
Urry J. The Tourist Gaze. London: Sage, 1990.