Стратегии культурного развития городов: современные подходы
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«Beyond Garrets and Silos»: Concepts, Trends and Development in Cultural Planning. Municipal Cultural Planning Project. Prepared by Dr. Greg Baeker. April 2002. (текст опубликован на официальном веб-сайте Municipal Cultural Planning Project www.culturalplanning.ca/mcpp/).
Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: the West European experience / Ed. by F. Bianchini, M. Parkinson. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993.
Dreeszen C. Community Cultural Planning Handbook: A guide for community leaders 1997 // Washington D.C.: Americans for the Arts, 1998.
Evans G. Cultural Planning: an urban renaissance? L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 2001.
European Cities and Capitals of Culture. Part 1-2. European Commission (Derectorate Generale - Education and Culture), 2002 (доклад опубликован на официальном веб-сайте Европейской Комиссии: http://europa.eu.int/comm/culture/eac/sources_info/studies/capitals_en.html)
Florida R. The Rise of the Creative Class and How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life. N.Y.: Basic Books, 2002.
Frost-Kumpf H.-A. Cultural Districts Handbook: The Arts as a Strategy for Revitalizing Our Cities. N.Y.: Americans for the Arts, 1998.
Landry C. The Creative City. A Toolkit for Urban Innovators. L.: Earthscan Publications Ltd., 2001.
Tomlinson J. Globalization and Culture. L.: Polity Press, 2002.
The Cultural Collaborative. A Plan for San Antonio's Creative Economy. Prepared by The TCC Steering Committee and The City of San Antonio Office of Cultural Affairs. January 2005.
The Economic Impact of Arts in Santa Monica. Prepared by AMS Planning and Research for City of Santa Monica Cultural Affairs Division. Santa Monica, CA, July 1997.
Williams R. Culture is Ordinary // The Politics of Culture. Policy Perspectives for Individuals, Institutions and Communities / Ed. by G. Bradford, M. Gary, G. Wallach. The Center for Arts and Culture. New York: The New York Press, 2000.
Wilson E. Bohemians. The Glamorous Outcast. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2002.