Author Guidelines

The Journal accepts original manuscripts, which are not under consideration by another publication at the time of submission.

Papers can be written in Russian and English language.

Articles should not exceed:
• 12,000 words (for key presentations)
• 6,000 words for other articles and book reviews
• 1,200 words for conference information.

The manuscripts should be sent to Notification of receipt will be sent by email to the author(s) at the address provided at the time of submission.

The author(s) should submit a file saved where possible in the Word for Windows format, font size — 12 pt. References should be placed at the end of the article.

A brief information about the author including: name and surname, current position, academic degrees, address, telephone number, E-mail address should be provided.

The peer review procedure
Once an author submits a manuscript by e-mail (, it is checked to make sure that the submission is complete and has been prepared according to the JSSA submission guidelines. At this time a message of manuscript acknowledgement is sent to the authors to let them know that their manuscript has been received. Each manuscript is then read by an editor and assistant editor to assess its relevance for the journal according to the guidelines determined by the editorial policy. Thereby we ensure that the content falls within the scope of the journal, that it is original and follows editorial policy and procedural guidelines. A manuscript could be rejected without additional review for the reasons mentioned above, and the authors will be notified.
If a manuscript is not rejected in the first stage, it is then sent out for review to a minimum of two reviewers who are part of the JSSA's pool of reviewers. The manuscript undergoes a double-blind review: the authors and the reviewers are unaware of each other's identity. Once reviewers are chosen and they accept their assignment, we send them a checklist that covers all assessment guidelines. For each type of submissions (original research, case-study report, book review, etc.) we use different assessment criteria.
The reviewers provide their recommendations to the editor-in-chief, who assesses them in consultation with other JSSA editors and then makes one of the following decisions:

1. to reject the manuscript (either outright or with encouragement to resubmit);
2. to withhold judgment pending major or minor revisions;
3. to accept the manuscript pending satisfactorily completed revisions;
4. to accept it as written (a very rare option).

For manuscripts accepted pending revision, the authors must resubmit a revised manuscript that will pass some of the stages mentioned above. Once the final revision is completed the manuscript will be accepted and put into the production process to prepare it for publication.


PAPER TITLE – Use Capital Letters, Bold

Given name Family namea (specify corresponding author and his/her E-mail address) – bold, italic
Given name Family nameb – bold, italic
a Name of the Institution, City, Country
b Name of the Institution, City, Country

Abstract. Abstract typically summarizes the paper's structure, its major topics and key points: the research focus (i.e. statement of the problem/research issue), the methods used, the results of the research, and the main conclusions and recommendations — 200–250 words
Keywords: 5–8 keywords.

The body of the text
• Abbreviations: use of standard abbreviations is acceptable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full term for the first time it appears.
• Tables: number each table and put table headings above the table – Align Left.
• Figures and images: number each figure, put figure caption under the figure, and submit them as separate files.
• Formula: formula should be typewritten (use, e.g., Microsoft Equation Editor).

This section is optional.


If the article contains sources in Cyrillic the authors provide two lists of sources: primary and secondary (transliterated).

Making the main list of references (Literature)

Sources in the main list of literature are arranged in alphabetical order first in Cyrillic from A to Я, and then in Latin from A to Z.

The works of one author of different years are arranged in chronological order.

Sources that are not academic publications (normative legal acts, official statistics, media materials, etc.) are given in a separate list after the main list of literature under the heading Sources and in the additional list (References) are not included.

Citation examples

Whole Book

Author A.A. (year) Book title in italics. Publisher location: Publisher name.

Spector M., Kitsuse J. (1977) Constructing Social Problems. Menlo Park, CA: Cummings.

Journal article

Author A.A. (year) Article title. Journal title in italics, volume(number): page range.

Molotch H. (1976) The City as a Growth Machine: Toward a Political Economy of Place. American Journal of Sociology, 82(2): 309–332.

Edited book

Author A.A. (ed.) (year) Book title in italics. Publication location: Publisher name.

Alexander J.C., Giesen B. & Mast J.L. (eds.) (2006) Social Performance: Symbolic Action, Cultural Pragmatics, and Ritual. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edited book chapter

Author A. (year) Chapter title. Editor I.O. (ed.) Book title in italics. Publication location: Publisher name.

Rawls A.W. (2010) Social order as moral order. In: Hitlin S., Vaisey S. (eds.) Handbook of the sociology of morality. N.Y.: Springer: 95-121.


Author A.A. (or Organization) (year) Article (or Web page) title. Website (or Journal) title in italics [http://xxxxxx] (accessed DD.MM.YYYY.)

Tev D. (2017) Deputies of the State Duma of the VI Convocation: Social-Professional Sources of Recruitment. Economic sociology, 18(5): 52–86 [] (accessed 24.01.2018)

Making up an additional list of references (References)

The additional list contains:

1) sources in the Latin alphabet (if any);

2) sources in Cyrillic transliterated into Latin. For transliteration use Google Translate

The additional list is drawn up in a new order from A to Z and located after the main list.

Citation examples

Whole Book

Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. (year) Book title (transliteration, italics) [translation of the title into English]. Publication location (in English): Publisher name (transliteration) (in Russian).

Shchepanskaya T.B. (2004) Sistema: teksty i traditsii subkul'tury [Systema: texts and traditions of the subculture]. Moscow: OGI (in Russian).

Journal article

Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. (year) Article title (transliteration) [translation of the title into English]. Journal title (transliteration, italics) [translation of the title into English], volume(number): page range (in Russian).

Volkov V.V. (1997) O kontseptsii praktik v sotsial'nykh naukakh [On the concept of practices in the social sciences]. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological research], 6: 9–23 (in Russian).

Edited book chapter

Author A.A., Author B. B., Author C.C. (year) Article title (transliteration) [translation of the title into English]. In: Edited book title (transliteration, italics) [translation of the title into English]. Publication location (in English): Publisher name (transliteration) (in Russian).

Burawoy M. (2008) Za publichnuyu sotsiologiyu [For public sosiology]. Romanov P., Yarskaya-Smirnova E. (ed.) Obshchestvennaya rol' sotsiologii [The public role of sociology]. M.: OOO «Variant», CSPGS: 8–52 (in Russian).


Author A.A. (or Organization) (year) Article (or Web page) title (transliteration) [translation of the title into English]. Website (or Journal) title (transliteration, italics) [translation of the title into English] [http://xxxxxx] (accessed DD.MM.YYYY.)

Tev D.B. (2017) Deputaty Gosudarstvennoy Dumy RF VI sozyva: sotsial'no-professional'nyye istochniki rekrutirovaniya [Deputies of the State Duma of the VI Convocation: Social-Professional Sources of Recruitment]. Ekonomicheskaya sotsiologiya [Journal of Economic Sociology], 18(5): 52–86 [] (accessed 24.01.2018) (in Russian).