Organisational Culture as Normative and Role System of Requirements to Workers in Russian Business Organisations

  • A. Efendiev
  • Balabanova
  • Gogoleva
Keywords: organisational culture, organisational subcultures, role standard, practices of social interactions


The article presents theoretical and empirical analysis of organisational culture (OC) defined as normative system of institutionalized practices of intra-organisational interactions and operationalized through the concept of role standard. Main theoretical approaches and problems of empirical research of OC are considered. The authors discuss the link of OC with practical aspects of business organisations functioning and developing. Three levels of such an impact are marked out. Basing on survey data of 1692 workers and specialists in 80 organisations from 8 Russian regions, the authors analyze the internal structure of role standards. By aggregation of individual answers on organisational level four types of organisational subcultures are revealed and described. The analysis of correspondence between cultural normative requirements and practices of labour relations and workers behaviour suggests indirect, background nature of such an impact.
How to Cite
Efendiev, A., Balabanova, & Gogoleva. (2012). Organisational Culture as Normative and Role System of Requirements to Workers in Russian Business Organisations . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(3), 98–114. Retrieved from