Traditional Religious Ideologies of Russia and South Korea in a Comparative Perspective

  • E. Ostrovskaya
Keywords: religious non-governmental civil organizations, democracy, Buddhist civil organizations, Buddhism in Russia and South Korea


The article deals with the sociological study of religious non-governmental civil organizations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea. The author investigates how ideological innovation processes in politics contribute to the emergence of new forms of social activities within traditional religions of the RF and the ROK. The particular attention is focused on a comparative research of the Buddhist organizations’ institutional activity in Russia and South Korea.
How to Cite
Ostrovskaya, E. (2012). Traditional Religious Ideologies of Russia and South Korea in a Comparative Perspective . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(4), 107–126. Retrieved from