Modernization of Everyday Life in Korea

  • V. Ilyin
Keywords: modernization, everyday life, North Korea, South Korea, consumer society


Modernization of everyday life in Korea is the process of copying the forms of life of the most developed countries in the world through the use of local resources. As a result the trend towards globalization of everyday life generates its glocal forms. South and North Korea are two types of modernization of everyday life. In the Republic of Korea in the first phase of its history, the core of this process was the transformation of the structures of everyday life generated by industrialization and urbanization, the second step was the formation of consumer society. In North Korea the modernization of everyday life is just a by-product of industrialization and urbanization in the context of economic and cultural isolation blocking opportunities for the development of consumer society.
How to Cite
Ilyin, V. (2012). Modernization of Everyday Life in Korea . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(4), 90–106. Retrieved from