Macro-micro-macro Model of Social Control of Deviance in a Constructivist Perspective

  • T. Shipunova
Keywords: social control, constructivism, deconstruction, the variability of norms, discourse, deviance reproduction, macro and micro level of social reality, a model of social control, agents of social control, everyday practices


The article presents the macro-micro-macro model of social control of deviance, which is based on the methodology of interactionism and constructivism. This model involves the use of a dialectical approach to bring together the complementary concepts of individualism and institutionalism. The author examines a number of issues related to the origins of regulation and social control of deviance. In addition, the author explores possible directions for research on social control of deviance in a constructivist perspective.
How to Cite
Shipunova, T. (2012). Macro-micro-macro Model of Social Control of Deviance in a Constructivist Perspective . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(2), 157–172. Retrieved from