Family Policies in Western European Countries: the Models of Fatherhood

  • Zh. Chernova
Keywords: family policy, welfare state, fatherhood, parental leave


The article deals with comparative analysis of family policies towards fatherhood. The author analyzes how family policy in different countries is a mens friendly. Contemporary family policies in different Western European countries include a specific set of support, addressed to father after the child birth. A leave to care for the child is an example which shows that the family policy creates different models of fatherhood. In conclusion the author argues that gender-based analysis of family policy, along with the study of the position of women with children should include fathers who have certain rights and responsibilities.
How to Cite
Chernova, Z. (2012). Family Policies in Western European Countries: the Models of Fatherhood . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(1), 103–122. Retrieved from