“The New Fatherhood” in the Context of the Family Policy Traditions and Innovations in Europe

  • I. Sizova


In the age of fundamental modifications of the family as an institution, family values and relations, the parents role models and their social positions change as well. The customary gender designations are disappearing from the legislation regulating family relations in Europe, the position of the family more and more depends on its potential. The most developed European countries try to work out cultural outlines of a responsible parenthood, to create a social environment favourable for the family, to regulate the distribution and the size of parental functions. In the recent times the social institutions are rapidly reorganized towards a new and legislatively reinforced model of a father who is able to do any kind of work connected with the care/upbringing of the children and their security. In this article by means of an analysis of the legislation and the results of sociological research the main changes in the family policy are revealed, and the reactions of men and women to these innovations are demonstrated. Key words: family, parenthood, fatherhood, masculine identity, family policy, family roles, care/upbringing and guardianship of a child, distribution of family responsibilities, men’s employment, women’s employment.
How to Cite
Sizova, I. (2012). “The New Fatherhood” in the Context of the Family Policy Traditions and Innovations in Europe . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(1), 86–102. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/793