Men in Child Care: A Comparative Analysis of Russia, France and Norway

  • Zh. Kravchenko
Keywords: gendered care practices, everyday care, working parents, fatherhood


Sociological analysis of male involvement in providing routine care for children is less abundant than that of female caregiving. Using data from Generation and Gender Survey for Norway, Russia and France, this article aims to contribute to the existing research by focusing on variation in levels and intensity of mens care. The author discusses similarities and differences between the countries with regard to care practices and examines the role of individual characteristics of the respondents in determining the probability of working fathers involvement in care practices. The variation in strength and direction of the relationship between mens care and their socio-economic status, working conditions and normative ideas about gendered work division demonstrates that fathers do not form a monolithic group whose domestic activities exclude care for children.
How to Cite
Kravchenko, Z. (2012). Men in Child Care: A Comparative Analysis of Russia, France and Norway . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 15(1), 65–85. Retrieved from