Representing Russia’s Ethnic and Cultural Diversity: Diasporic Printed Media as an Alternative Media Space

  • V. Peshkova
Keywords: diasporic media, migrant communities, ethnic communities, ethnic and cultural diversity, media space, alternative public space


How does the mediascape of diasporic printed media in the modern Russia look like? What their role and functions are? Weather diasporic media is a factor of integration or disintegration of diasporic and migrant communities? This article presents some results of a research focused on these questions and carried out by the author in 2009-2011. Drawing on the analysis of interviews and thematic content of publications the author explores the development of diasporic printed media and identifies their function and role in the representation of ethnic and cultural diversity. Analysis of such indicators as objectives, publishers, financing, distribution, language, content, audience, volume of editions, circulation, and staff, allows to classify the diasporic printed media and define their place in the Russian media space. The author concludes, that diasporic media plays the role of an alternative public space where minorities have the opportunity to promote their opinion and to become “visible”.


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How to Cite
Peshkova, V. (2013). Representing Russia’s Ethnic and Cultural Diversity: Diasporic Printed Media as an Alternative Media Space . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(4), 124–141. Retrieved from
Ethnicity and Nationalism Studies