Strategies of Homosexual Coming out in Personal Narratives of Russian Sexual Minorities

  • S. Mozzhegorov
Keywords: gay, lesbian, coming out, personal narratives, fields of interaction, personal sphere, institutional environment, public sphere, actionism


The focus of our study are the personal narratives of individuals who identify themselves as gay and lesbian, and have experience of homosexual coming out. We focus on the interactional aspects of the strategies of coming out in specific social contexts. In the framework of this study we try to figure out how the homosexuals perform disclosure in three fields of interaction — the personal sphere, the institutional environment, and the public sphere. In particular we focus on the motives and needs that determine the intention of homosexuals to “be open” in their everyday lives.


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How to Cite
Mozzhegorov, S. (2013). Strategies of Homosexual Coming out in Personal Narratives of Russian Sexual Minorities . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(3), 172–187. Retrieved from
Sociology of Gender and Sexuality