The Influence of Urban Political Regimes on City Space Contestation (the Case of St. Petersburg and Paris)

  • E. Tykanova
Keywords: contestation of urban space, local communities, urban political regime, legitimations


This paper considers two cases of local urban communities in St. Petersburg and Paris struggling against the transformations of urban space: namely against the demolition of buildings that are of no architectural value but bear considerable historical and commemorative significance for the citizens. Having compared the contestation of these urban territories by local communities representatives, the author concludes that the course and outcomes of struggle depend on the existence or lack of coalitions constituted by construction business and city administration in the structure of urban political regimes.


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How to Cite
Tykanova, E. (2013). The Influence of Urban Political Regimes on City Space Contestation (the Case of St. Petersburg and Paris) . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(3), 112–123. Retrieved from