Work-Family Balance: How Working Mothers in Moscow Reconcile their Work and Maternity

  • O. Savinskaya
Keywords: work-family balance, working conditions, job satisfaction, workers with parental responsibilities, life strategies, working mothers, Russia


The article handles the issue of optimal combination of professional and maternal duties in the lifestyle of modern Muscovites. The empirical base of the study are the results of the mass survey (N=1667) of women with preschool and school age children conducted in November-December 2008 through a network of kindergartens and schools in the city of Moscow. The author argues that the most common life strategy of women with children is the strategy of “working mother”. It determines the preference to the special job conditions and provides criteria for job satisfaction. At the same time, in the opinion of the women interviewed, employers largerly neglect corporate social policies for working parents.


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How to Cite
Savinskaya, O. (2013). Work-Family Balance: How Working Mothers in Moscow Reconcile their Work and Maternity . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(2), 142–167. Retrieved from