The Concept of Constitutive Order in Ethnomethodology

  • A. Korbut
Keywords: ethnomethodology, social order, social action, ordinariness, Harold Garfinkel


The paper considers an ethnomethodological concept of constitutive social order as it is explicated in the work of the founder of ethnomethodology Harold Garfinkel. Being initially an answer to Talcott Parsons’ question about the conditions of the stability of social order, the concept was later radicalized and used as a foundation of the program of empirical ethnomethodological studies. There are two distinguishable stages in the statement of the ethnomethodological concept of constitutive order: during the first stage the key notion was a “perceived normality” of social actions, during the second the key notion was an “order spelled with an asterisk” (order*). It is shown that constitutive order is considered in ethnomethodology as a methodic, observable, situated, domain-specific and population-productive order.


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How to Cite
Korbut, A. (2013). The Concept of Constitutive Order in Ethnomethodology . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(2), 65–82. Retrieved from