Social Space as an Object of Scientific Study and Controlled Transformation

  • О. Ivanov
Keywords: social space, fields of social space, structure of social space, social actors, transformation of social space


In this paper the concept of “social space” is used to investigate the relationship between the ontological representations of a social phenomenon and methodology of its scientific study. In the first part of the article the author examines the contribution to the development of social space ontology by P. Sorokin, P. Bourdieu, M. Castells, J. Urry. An analysis of the views of these social scientists showed that the expansion and enrichment of the ontological representations of the social space as a specific social phenomenon naturally led to the expansion of horizons and areas of its study, to the increasing complexity of related cognitive tasks. In the second part of the article the author, developing the concept of social space provided by these researchers, offers the system of the basic concepts related to the theory of social space, identifies the composition of social space constituent elements, describes its structure, characterizes the interactions of social actors within it, and draws the main lines of its transformation in modern Russia.


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How to Cite
IvanovО. (2013). Social Space as an Object of Scientific Study and Controlled Transformation . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(2), 49–64. Retrieved from