Regionalism in the Russian Humanitarian Academic Literature

  • S. Troitskiy
Keywords: Siberian regionalism, Russian philosophy, historiography, source studies


The article gives a detailed characteristic of the Russian-language historiography on Siberian regionalism. The author attempts at classifying academic literature and traces the evolution of views on this topic in the historical and political context. The interpretation and evaluation of the regionalists’ ideas have changed dramatically. Soviet researchers interpreted the theory of regionalism negatively in the 1960s, while in 1990s the ideology of regionalism was characterized as “modern”, “actual” and “promising” teaching and interpreted positively.
How to Cite
Troitskiy, S. (2013). Regionalism in the Russian Humanitarian Academic Literature . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(1), 60–77. Retrieved from
History of Russian Social Thought