Regionalism in the History of Russian Thought

  • A. Malinov
Keywords: regionalism, philosophy, ideology, sibirefilstvo, ukrainianofilstvo, sociology, federalism, geographical determinism


The article discusses regionalism as an important movement in the Russian intellectual history. The author distinguishes three types of regionalism: Russian, Ukrainian, and Siberian, all of them sharing the principles of federalism. The philosophical and methodological foundations of regionalistic ideology were laid by narodnichestvo, positivism, and slavophilism. A detailed analysis is given to the program of the Siberian regionalism, the so-called «Siberian questions».
How to Cite
Malinov, A. (2013). Regionalism in the History of Russian Thought . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 16(1), 41–52. Retrieved from
History of Russian Social Thought