Sociological Concept of Exchange as a Methodology of Labour Interactions Analysis in Contemporary International Studies

  • A. Efendiev
  • Е. Balabanova
  • А. Gogoleva
Keywords: social exchange theory, social interactions, labour relations, psychological contracts


The article presents theoretical analysis of contemporary approaches towards analysis of labour relations in light of social exchange theory in international studies. The authors focus on rules and means of exchange in labour interactions as well as on power aspects of labour exchange relations. The concept of psychological contracts” which embodies social exchange postulates in empirical studies is considered. Problems of fundamental elaboration of modern concepts based on exchange methodology and “perceptiveness” of their empirical measures are discussed. The authors argue that updating of basic ideas of social exchange theory as well as their integration with methodology of modern international empirical studies is very promising in sociological studies of employment relations seen as employee-employer mutual obligations.
How to Cite
Efendiev, A., BalabanovaЕ., & GogolevaА. (2014). Sociological Concept of Exchange as a Methodology of Labour Interactions Analysis in Contemporary International Studies . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 17(2), 139–153. Retrieved from