Metamorphosis of Sociality: Virtualization of Information Space in Non-Western Cultures

  • M. Shaykemelev
Keywords: virtualization, modernization, information society, sociality, social and cultural transformation, identity, internet, tradition, stratification


The global pressure of information flows and the pressure of the newest ways of communication lead to the formation of hybrid forms of sociality that eclectically combine the collectivist and individualized types of public relations. As a result, in countries with non-western culture a parallel communicative space is being formed. It is built over traditional hierarchical structures. In Kazakhstan on the boundary between tradition and modernization appears the contradictory combination of societal-functional structures inherent to the Kazakh ethno-social system and western individualized patterns implemented through multiple channels of “information society”.
How to Cite
Shaykemelev, M. (2014). Metamorphosis of Sociality: Virtualization of Information Space in Non-Western Cultures . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 17(2), 126–138. Retrieved from