Сonceptualization of the Local in the Western Sociology

  • O. Aksenova
Keywords: local community, locality, globalization, global flows, theory, neoliberalism, poverty


The theoretical approaches to the local community research are considered in the paper. The theories of the local and the global are analyzed as interdependent and interrelated phenomenon. Analysis is focused upon the general discourse of global and local. The radical transformation of sociological views on the role of local community in the globalization is shown. It started with the concept of locality as basic element of global world, moves towards the denial of its significance and then to its return in form of localization of poverty. The notion of “local poor” is introduced. The contradiction between the theorists of the global flows and sociologists engaged in empirical research of localities that propose the place view on globalization is shown.
How to Cite
Aksenova, O. (2014). Сonceptualization of the Local in the Western Sociology . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 17(2), 111–125. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/629