A Culture of Students’ Health Protection: the Contradictions of its Formation and Development

  • N. Antonova
  • Merenkov
Keywords: health, health protection culture, vitality, healthy lifestyle, students


This article examines the particular qualities of health protection culture and stresses contradictions of its formation and development. Nowadays in the learning process there is for the most part further development of general skills of health protection based on knowledge of its norms and rules, but there is no special organisation of learning individual characteristics of the organism and its potential vitality, although that is necessary for successful study, fulfillment of labor, family, domestic and other duties. As a result a health protection culture of a modern student is characterized by the exploitation of vitality through behavior, causing considerable damage to health that may lead to a decrease in social activity of a person in the middle and older age. An empirical research conducted at the end of 2014, focused on students of the Ural Federal University (questionnaire: n = 360; interview: n = 17), shows that a significant part of the respondents do not control diet, smoke and drink alcohol, although they have got adequate information about the damage to health because of such behavior. Physical activity is reduced to attending classes of physical education in the curriculum, and preventive health practices are traditionally limited with clinical examination, vaccination and fluorographic examination. There are no activities aimed at learning how to use the psychic powers of the body that are necessary for effective mental work in the learning process. Modern university needs to change in order to develop a complex of health protection technologies, providing skillful use of mental and physical strength of students.
How to Cite
Antonova, N., & Merenkov. (2016). A Culture of Students’ Health Protection: the Contradictions of its Formation and Development . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 19(2), 88–100. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/561