Interethnic Relations in Dagestan Peoples’ Assessment

  • A. Vereshchagina
  • Shakhbanova
Keywords: ethnic relations, ethnic tensions, ethnic conflicts, ethnic status, ethnic stereotypes, Dagestan peoples


Intensive socio-cultural changes in Russian society, happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the change of social order led to the change in the model of inter-ethnic relations, which became controversial and specific to each region of Russia with tight inter-ethnic contacts. One of the Russian regions, known not only by its general ethnic palette, but also by the intensity of inter-ethnic relations, is Dagestan. The authors try to gain an insight into the essence of inter-ethnic relations in Dagestan, from the standpoint of actors of these relations, the residents of Dagestan. The space of inter-ethnic relations, considered in this paper from the standpoint of constructive realism as constructed in the process of inter-ethnic interaction, is largely determined by the perception of these relations. The sociological dimension of inter-ethnic relations in Dagestan through the framework of value judgments of the participants of interethnic interaction, i.e., representatives of Dagestan peoples, shows that interethnic relations in Dagestan have the potential for conflict, currently in latent form. The negative attitude to the representatives of other nations is not demonstrated publicly, but at any moment of aggravation of ethnic contradictions and conflicts can turn into an open and active phase. These circumstances determine the relevance of not only continuous monitoring of inter-ethnic tensions in the region, but also a fundamental rethinking of socio-political practices in the sphere of construction of inter-ethnic relations and their regulation, implemented in the region and in Russia as a whole.
How to Cite
Vereshchagina, A., & Shakhbanova. (2016). Interethnic Relations in Dagestan Peoples’ Assessment . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 19(4), 159–177. Retrieved from