M.M. Kovalevsky’s Sociological Society: Past and Present

  • A. Boronoev
  • Lomonosova
  • Mironov
  • Skvortsov
Keywords: history of sociology, Russian sociology, M.M. Kovalevsky’s Russian Sociological Society, institutionalization of sociolog


The article emphasizes the role of the M.M. Kovalevsky’s Russian Sociological Society in the process of institutionalizing sociology as a science in Russia. The authors focus particularly on scientific and organizational activities by Maxim Kovalevsky who contributed significantly to the development of the sociology in academic and educational spheres and to the propagation of the sociological achievements in the Russian society at large. M.M. Kovalevsky’s Russian Sociological Society in the present period of its activity is treated by the authors as an organization which can encourage the debates about how to consolidate the Russian sociological community with regard to the traditions and history of Russian sociology.
How to Cite
Boronoev, A., Lomonosova, Mironov, & Skvortsov. (2016). M.M. Kovalevsky’s Sociological Society: Past and Present . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 19(3), 5–15. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/512
To the 100th Anniversary of M.M. Kovalevsky’s Sociological Society