The Transformation of Female Prostitution’ Social Space (with the Example of Young Commercial Sex Workers in St. Petersburg)

  • V. Romanenko researcher
Keywords: social space transformations, consumer society, prostitution, sex service, commercial sex workers


The modern trends of globalization and the spread of a consumer culture clearly manifest across Russian society and its various social spaces. Social turbulence frequently results in an increased vulnerability among young women, pushing some individuals towards illegitimate work including various forms of commercial sex work. In order to examine the situation for young women involved in prostitution, we must view them not as an isolated risk group, but rather within the context of the social space of sex service that includes various fields and actors and which is influenced by external factors. In this regard, we analyze various features related to the social control (formal and informal) of prostitution. Likewise, we focus on aspects directly impacting the development of the phenomenon, including modern economic and social processes. While considering the dynamic changes in the commercial sex space, we must track the evolution of the socio-demographic characteristics of women involved in prostitution. In addition, we must take into account trends in the demand for sex services. This approach allows us to see not only specific changes in groups consisting of female prostitutions, but also to analyze processes influencing the commercial sex space in general. In particular, we concentrate on the dynamic changes occurring in the commercial sex space during the last decade. We also focus on the appearance of new groups of women involved in prostitution as well as on changes among existing groups of female sex workers.
How to Cite
Romanenko, V. (2015). The Transformation of Female Prostitution’ Social Space (with the Example of Young Commercial Sex Workers in St. Petersburg) . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 18(5), 128–142. Retrieved from
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