Narrating Immigrant Experience: Friends and Friendship in the Biographical Stories of Young Russian-Speakers in Finland

  • M. Hakkarainen European University at St. Petersburg
Keywords: immigration narratives, Russian-speaking immigrants, Finland, youth, integration, friendship


In this article, I examine narratives about childhood experiences in immigration represented by Russian-speaking young people living in Finland, and I will pay special attention to the conceptualisation of friends and friendships and its use in the construction of immigration and integration experiences. Therefore, I discuss the concepts of friends and friendship in Russian language and culture. Following the conceptualisation of friends and friendship in the immigration narratives of the Russian-speaking young people, I consider three categories configured by means of friendship terms: transnational space, locally organised relations between the natives and immigrants, and agency in immigration. As a result, I conclude that friendship relations, understood as a quintessence of close and equal relationships, are an extremely suitable means for measurement of relatedness and connectedness in the initially strange social environment of immigration.
How to Cite
Hakkarainen, M. (2015). Narrating Immigrant Experience: Friends and Friendship in the Biographical Stories of Young Russian-Speakers in Finland . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 18(5), 110–127. Retrieved from
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